Friday, July 8, 2016


If your experience with fried rice has only been the greasy, overly-salty affair from Chinese take-out, then you need to make this fresh, seasonally-inspired version — without delay! Grace Young's stir-fried rice is light and aromatic. Soy sauce and ginger are used for seasoning, but they're not so heavy that the vegetables get lost. You could eat this dish every day and never get bored.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make quick, easy, and delicious fried rice at a moment's notice.
Grace Young calls this recipe "lazy man's fried rice." She says it's her go-to dish whenever dinnertime arrives and she's gotten so distracted with work that she forgot to cook anything.
The key to good fried rice is having cold day-old rice in the fridge: not only does this mean the stir-fry comes together in a snap but it guarantees fried rice with the perfect chewy-tender texture. Grace says she makes double the rice she needs whenever she makes it so she always has some left over in the fridge for this recipe. Be sure to fluff the rice as soon as it's cooked and before storing it, or else the rice tends to solidify into a block. You can also halve the recipe if you don't have quite as much rice as called for here.

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