Friday, July 8, 2016


his is kind of a basic recipe which can be adapted to make pakoras where finely chopped or shredded vegetables like cabbage, zucchini, spring onion, spinach or methi (fenugreek leaves) can be added.
pakora is a generic term  used for deep fried fritters made in india. mostly, gram flour is used for coating the veggies and then they are deep fried in oil. pakora gets it name from the vegetable which is used to make it like etc.
for religious fasting days, the fasting flours like buckwheat flour or water chestnut flour etc are replaced with gram flour to make the pakoras.
pakoras are usually had in rainy season or in winters. they are served with  tomato sauce or hot tea. pakoras have to be eaten hot and crisp. you can have them as a brunch or as a snack. they can also be had with roti or chappati or  i served the pakoras with

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